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Branding & Graphic Design

Logo Design  Brand Identity Branding Materials

Whether you’re launching a new business, in need of a new brand identity or could do with some professional branding materials, I've got you. I create bespoke graphics to reflect your brand and its values, assisting you in reaching your goals while standing out.

Comprehensive brand identities.

1. Exploration

The first stage of the process involves us exploring your needs and intentions in order to establish exactly what it is that you require. I then carry out extensive research into potential directions and design approaches. This step is crucial to ensuring that all areas are covered and to delivering a great end-product

2. Creation

Once we've established what it is that you need and explored potential approaches, I move on to the exciting part of the design process, the creation! I produce directions and proofs for you to analyse and choose from before developing the chosen design(s) further. Mock-ups and additional branding materials can also be provided.

3. Distribution

Having worked with you closely throughout the entire process and produced an end product that you're delighted with, I set out brand guidelines in order to ensure your designs and/or brand identity remains consistent and recognisable then send you the files. I'm able to provide graphics in any file format you require.

Print-friendly, scalable designs ready to go.


Responsive logos that look great anywhere.

Goodbye Windturbines.jpg

Good design makes for plain-sailing.

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